- But you don抰 use diagonals when photographing do you. 所以,如果你要摄影的话,请不要用天顶镜。
- But you don?t need to play to win cool prizes - just watch our live webcast! 健康游戏: 抵制不良游戏,拒绝盗版游戏。注意自我保护,谨防受骗上当。
- You may have aced that particular assignment, but you don’t have the tools to go forward. 但是,我决不会放弃对爱情的追求,也相信自己会拥有一个如奶奶所描述的完美人生。
- But you don’t have to explicitly dereference a class-type variable to access the object it points to. 然而,为了访问类类型变量指向的对象,不必(严格来说是不允许)明确地对变量解除参照。
- They should be quite specific and measurable, but you don’t need to obsess about detail. 具体但不是说要面面俱到。要留有余地以便在需要时修改目标。
- U always say that I am ur daughter so mine r all urs ,but you don’t care how I feel. 你总是说我是你的女儿,所以我的一切都是你的,但是你并不关心我的感觉。
- Training for an ultramarathon is timeconsuming and takes incredible discipline, but you don’t have to run 100 km to experience the joy of running. 超级马拉松的训练费不菲且要有过人的自律。不过,要享受跑步的乐趣,不是非要跑个100千米不可。
- Now you don’t have to be a buffed body builder, but you should make an effort to stay fit.And, not just for your own health. 现在你不需要展示一个身材健硕的肌肉男,要做的是努力塑造一个健康的你,这不仅仅是指身体健康。
- Perhaps you don’t need any sort of security at all, but you want a login system to provide personalization for frequent visitors. 或许你根本就不需要任何类型的安全策略,但是你想拥有一个可以保护请求访问者的隐私的登录系统。
- I'll meet you there, but you must keep time. 我将在那里和你碰头,但你要准时来。
- That's our number, but you have make a mistake. 那是我们的电话号码,但是你搞错了。
- But you do belong to BSB, don’t you? 但是你确实属于 BSB,不是吗?
- If you don’t like it, I’ll trade with you. 如果你不喜欢,我跟你换。
- Nobody but you could be so selfish. 除了你之外,谁也不会这样自私。
- I waited for you all morning but you never showed. 我整个上午都在等你,但是没见到你的影子。
- But you promised to help us, you rat! 可是你答应过要帮我们的忙,你这言而无信的小人!
- If you don t help me,I ll haunt you after my death. 如果你不帮助我,我死后变鬼来缠你。
- You don' t have to knock just walk in. 你不必敲门--进来就是了.
- But you don’t try to do actual work in elevators; similarly, users are not served by being forced to attempt to do real, interaction-rich transactional work using page-based Web sites accessed through a browser. 类似地,在基于网页的网站中,也不能强迫让使用者通过浏览器来试图做任何真正并具有过多操作的交易型工作。